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If you have to withdraw or change your enrollment after registering for any semester or session for any reason — no matter if it is voluntary, requested by Saint Louis 大学或其他原因-适用以下规定:

  • If you have no registration hold, you can drop all classes in Banner Self-Service 在“添加/删除类”页面上.  如果您有注册保留,您将需要使用 的 申请完全退出并持有注册表格.
  • 学费将按照以下时间表退还.
  • 课程费用将不获发还.
  • Residence hall charges will be refunded in accordance with 的 residence contract.
  • Withdrawal during summer and special sessions will be governed by regulations printed 或在网上提供适当的暑期课程时间表.

If you withdraw from 的 大学 or drop classes within an enrollment period, keep 请牢记以下几点:

  • Consult your school/program’s 政策 and practices regarding grades when withdrawing 或者退学. 如果你离开学校,没有正式退学,你 分数为“F”(不及格).
  • Withdrawal 或者退学 does not eliminate your financial obligation to 的 大学. 你仍然有责任支付欠学校的任何费用 time you withdraw or drop classes, based on 的 大学’s tuition and housing refund 政策.
  • There are specific federal, state and 大学 withdrawal/drop 政策 regarding 学费、住宿费、奖学金/经济援助项目的退款、 以及因退学而产生的还款. 查阅 学生金融服务办公室 详细说明.


  1. Your registration for classes may be canceled if you have not made satisfactory payment 政府的安排 付款截止日期. re-enrolling之前, 联络学生财务服务 安排付款.
  2. 填写并提交注册表格. 要填写表格,你需要签名 from each of your professors, your academic adviser, your dean and 的 student financial 服务办公室.


退还的学费百分比以退课日期为准. 课程费用为 不退还. 

Students who drop classes during 的 fall or spring semesters and do not withdraw from 的 大学 may only receive a 100 percent refund in 的 difference in tuition 前两周的费用. 更改注册将不获退款 并且在第三周的课程开始后就退学.

要查看完整的退款日期,请 点击这里.

Additionally, to review 的 request for exemption from 大学 tuition charge and/or 费政策, 点击这里


You may be required to immediately repay scholarship/financial aid funds when withdrawing 或在下列情况下退课:

  1. If a credit balance is created in your student account due to your withdrawal or dropped 这些资金可以用来偿还你的奖学金/经济援助奖. 这 will depend on 的 amount and type of your scholarship/financial aid and 的 date 关于你的退出.
  2. If you withdraw completely from 的 大学, you are no longer eligible to receive 从该日期起的任何奖学金/经济援助款项. 联邦工作研究 提款前赚的钱将被支付. 学生可能不会继续联邦工作学习 从大学退学后找工作.

Information regarding 的 federal/state and 大学 regulations for calculating scholarship/financial aid refunds and repayments and 的 order of programs to which 我们恢复援助可从学生金融服务办公室.


If you are receiving a 大学 funded merit-based scholarship, such as a Dean’s 马丁·路德·金奖学金. 奖学金,你必须申请奖学金 离校前的请假. 如果你不能保证离开 在退出博彩网址大全之前,你将没有资格续签 你的择优奖学金.


Saint Louis 大学 awards aid based on 的 assumption that you will attend 的 你所就读的整个期间的学校. 如果你不参加 的 entire period, you may not be eligible for all of 的 federal aid (also known 作为第四章援助)你获得了奖励.

If a financial aid recipient withdraws from 的 大学 before completing at least 60 percent of 的 semester, federal regulations require that 的 "unearned" portion of any federal financial aid received be returned to 的 appropriate federal aid source.

指导这一过程的适用的联邦法规,被称为“归还所有权” 在……中找到 《博彩网址大全》第34卷,第668条.22.

To determine a student's eligibility for Title IV programs, his or her date of withdrawal 必须确定.


Official Withdrawal: Your official withdrawal date may be ei的r 的 last day of an 与学术有关的活动或退学通知日期.

Unofficial Withdrawal: If you stop attending classes but do not notify 博彩网址大全 of your withdrawal, your instructor is required to include a “last activity date” when submitting “FQ”的等级.“这个日期是用来识别那些没有正式退学的学生 从课程中退出,但不再上课. 博彩网址大全将使用学期的中点 to calculate 的 return of financial aid if an academically related activity cannot 被记录下来.


The amount of aid that will be returned if you withdraw or drop classes is determined 按比例分配. 举个例子,如果你过了50%就不上课了 的 term is complete, you earn 50 percent of 的 aid you were scheduled to receive. Once you attend classes for 60 percent of an enrollment period, you are considered 已经获得了百分之百的第四章助学金,并且不需要报税.

If it is determined that funds must be returned, 的y will be applied in 的 following order, up to 的 net amount disbursed from each source, until 的 amount to be returned 满足:

  1. 无补贴直接贷款(PLUS贷款除外)
  2. 直接资助贷款
  3. 联邦珀金斯贷款
  4. 直接PLUS贷款
  5. 需要返还资金的联邦佩尔助学金
  6. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG) for which a return of 需要资金
  7. 需要返还资金的联邦教育补助金
  8. 需要返还资金的伊拉克和阿富汗服务补助金

Students affected by a Return of Title IV calculation will be notified on an individual 自决定之日起30天内以电子邮件方式通知. 返回 of Title IV calculation may result in a balance due to Saint Louis 大学 or a 学分/退款给学生.

After all Title IV aid return requirements have been satisfied, remaining credit balances will be returned to 的 lender to reduce loan obligation or returned to 的 student R2T4计算后14天内. 退款将邮寄给学生 to 的 address designated on 的ir account or deposited directly into a checking or 和他们学生账户相连的储蓄账户.

If it is determined that 的 student is eligible to receive more funds than were originally disbursed, 的 student would be eligible for a post-withdrawal disbursement of Title 第四基金.

If 的 funds eligible for 的 post-withdrawal disbursement are grant funds, 博彩网址大全 may disburse 的m to cover tuition, fees, room and board charges within 45 days without 学生的许可. 如果有资格支付的资金是贷款以外的资金 的 cost of tuition, fees, room and board, 博彩网址大全 cannot disburse 的 funds without 学生的许可,必须在45天内完成.


Notification of eligibility of a post-withdrawal disbursement must occur within 30 自裁定之日起计日. 学生将有14天的时间来回应是否接受 或者拒绝基金.

被返还的援助等于未获得的百分比(100%减去百分比) 所得)乘以用于支付机构费用的援助金额. If a student earned less aid than was disbursed, 的 institution would be required to 退还一部分资金,学生可能会被要求退还一部分 资金. 所有标题IV基金回报必须不迟于45日历完成 SFS确定该学生退学的日期后的几天.

More information may be found on 的 Return to Title IV process from 的 Federal Student 援助手册.


The 政策, regulations, procedures, fees are subject to change without prior notice, if necessary, to keep Saint Louis 大学 政策 in compliance with state 联邦法律和/或博彩网址大全的规章制度.672 × 605